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  "The most valuable and influential spiritual wealth left by Marx is the scientific theory named after him, Marxism," said Xi.

  The theory can be compared to a spectacular sunrise lighting the path for humans to explore the rules of history and pursue liberation, said Xi.


  Marx's theory still shines with truth.Two centuries on, despite huge and profound changes in human society, the name of Karl Marx is still respected all over the world and his theory still shines with the brilliant light of truth, Xi said.


  Xi said Marx is the "teacher of revolution for the proletariat and working people all over the world, the main founder of Marxism, creator of Marxist parties, pathfinder for international communism and the greatest thinker of modern times."


  The life of Karl Marx is marked with his noble ideals and his unremitting struggle for human liberation, Xi said. Marx climbed the peak of the mind in pursuit of truth, without fear of hardships and obstacles. He fought to the end to overthrow the old world and build a new world.


  Marxism tremendously promotes human civilization and is still an ideology and discourse system with major international influence. Marx is still recognized as one of "the greatest thinkers in the past millennium", Xi said.


  170 years have passed since the first formal version of the Communist Manifesto was published and Marxism has been widely disseminated in the world, said Xi, adding that no ideological theory has had such a wide and profound impact on humans as Marxism has.


  "Marxism is a scientific theory, creatively revealing the law of human social development," Xi added. He also highlighted that Marxism is a constantly developing theory and always stands at the forefront of the times.


  "Marxism is the theory of people, the theory of practice, and is the open theoretical system,"


  Marxism not only profoundly changed the world, but also profoundly changed China.


  Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China.




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